01 Sep

Shooting green screen can be very challenging or tricky! A lot of things to consider, from set-up, the power of the light, and distances. There are many factors to avoid when using a green screen for post-processing. Few of them are having too much green spill from the background to the subject. Having too much shadow would also affect the quality and time to extract the green screen during post-production. This includes artifacts left on the extracted file. It is nearly impossible to avoid shadow and spill. This illustration uses 3 lights, main light, fill-in, and sidelight. It is also good to add another sidelight but just an optional. Sidelight would help eliminate or decrease shadows. It will also add a dimensional effect and separation of the subject from the background if set-up and pointed properly. It is recommended to use a honeycomb grid or strip softbox to direct the light and avoid lens flare on the camera.